D e b  T o d d  W h e e l e r
  Instructions for Seeing      
  collaboration with Jane D. Marsching  

Collaboration with Jane D. Marsching, Instructions for Seeing, 2005, pairs two 5” x 7” LCD screens that show a silent film demonstration of various scientific experiments with light, lenses, and photography, which are repeatedly interrupted with mysterious events of questionable origin.

Also on view at FPAC Gallery, Emissions from the Ordinary, 2005, explores the nature of perception through fracturing and mirroring one video projection into a hallucinatory field of video fragments. The images are slow wandering closeup looks at various phenomena: from an apparition of the Virgin Mary in a chemical stain to the original Rorschach ink blot tests to dirt on a floor.

300 Summer Street, Boston, MA 6/15-7/28, 2005 reception: 7/28, 6-8pm, artists talks with psychometrist, 5-6pm